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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Luck PMR'ers!

Hello again, today is a Sunday, and tomorrow is a Monday, but the day after that is Tuesday and it is special because it is the P.M.R Exam Day ! .

PMR stands for Penilaian Menengah Rendah in case you didnt know, and it is for the Form 3's!

So, Good Luck to all of you sitting there, and thank you for visiting this blog at this time even thought it is your exam week, and even if you're not in Form 6!

To the rest of you! Form 5's and Form 6's also! Good luck because your exam is very near! SPM and STPM is VERY IMPORTANT, but PMR is nearer and also very important, so make sure you all study!

Thank you, good luck, God bless, and happy studying!

thank you and goodbye


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