
Tempted to click?? Just click then~ xP

Friday, December 24, 2010


yea it's CHRISTMAS!!!! i repeat, it's C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S, CHRISTMAS!!!!!
when it come to christmas, it's all about present, present and present. then we will go around and sing
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.

hope u people out there have fun during this christmas, because christmas only happen once a year. if u missed this year christmas then u will have to wait for 365 days and it's kinda long. so have fun in this year christmas and stay healthy.

see you next time.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


i wonder how's everyone during this holiday. i hope everyone is fine and happy. really miss the life in 6r4 especially the fun we had together and the noise we make. i hope everyone is enjoying their holiday and at the same time study for STPM.

pls dun rot at home during this holiday. make full use of it cause we wont get to enjoy so much.
bye and night.
take care ppl.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

i m here to talk a bit about the PFS INTERACT CLUB INSTALLATION.

the PFS INTERACT CLUB INSTALLATION was held today in PFS SCHOOL HALL and there were about 30+ people attending and they are from pfs, sggs, mbs, clhs and even from tarc. everyone have fun today and we enjoy ourselves throughout the whole session. we even have the famous BANANA MILKSHAKE perform for us in our installation. thank you guys so much and we really enjoy your performance.

i think that's about it and might talk more about the installation later on.
thank you for spending your precious time reading this small little updates.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2010 interact installation

date: 14 november 2010
time: 4p.m to 8p.m
venue: pfs school hall
theme: nature
attire: anything comfortable or casual(green,blue or white is encourageable)
price: RM15(member), RM18(non-member)

please do come to this fun and amazing event.
there will be performances and games.
u wont regret attending this amazing event.
so do come and support

Thursday, October 28, 2010


woohoo..... exam is finally over. yes! it's over!
i repeat. IT'S OVER!
now what we can do is to celebrate!
yes!!! it's time for celebration...

and not forgetting deepavali is around the corner so i wan to wish those indian people out there


enjoy and eat more but stay healthy. =]

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All About Tension

The Moment you are in Tension
You will lose your Attention

Then you are in total Confusion
And you will feel Irritation
Then you will spoil personal Relation
Ultimately, you won't get Co-Operation
Then you will have Complication
Then your blood pressure may rise Caution
And you may have to take Medication
Instead, understand the Situation
And try to think about the Solution
Many problems will be solved by Discussion
This will work out better in your Profession
Don't think it's my free Suggestion
It's only for your Prevention
If you understand my Intention

You will never come again to

Saturday, October 23, 2010

oh no! oh no! EXAM IS BACK!!!

as we all know our exam is on 25 OCTOBER 2010 and we still have about 1day++ to revise. i hope you people have done revising most of the subject, if not u people are going to die like me.

honestly, i din revise yet cause the time i wan to actually study i cannot concentrate and hence i end up daydreaming and online. so i really hope u people have revise on something, at least 5% also better then nothing.

so i guess that's about it. hope u people enjoy studying.

and GOOD LUCK in your exam

Friday, October 15, 2010


on 19th oct 2010 co-curicular day...
on 21st oct 2010 Speech Day...
on 22nd oct 2010 Battle of the band at the st. George Girl's School...
What a busy day for the school n me...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ang pow collection

wat a lucky day today. lol... guess wat happen...
ok fine, let me explain.
early in the morning, before the bell rings a lala fell down at the school carpark

of course not like this but something like this la

and then she got 3 very BIG ang pow early in the morning

let me show u those 3 ang pow

the first ang pow

the second ang pow

the third ang pow

look how smart the lala is. she manage to collect 3 ang pow before chinese new year.

i hope she recover soon and can walk smoothly.

i think that's about it.


Friday, October 8, 2010


Hello everybody! Guess who’s this updating blog at this time of night? -.-

Although I’m really tired and there’s a really high possibilities for me to blackout, I don’t care still, to blog something I really want to, which is about LALA!

Actually, I’m gonna talk about Choo Shu Hua


Flower and

Chi Hua Hua! :D

Don’t understand? Well, continue reading. And owhx~hihix~mai names ah hor is ermm..lala..oopssx~hahax~is chihuahua~hahax~khonthiniu reediing o~hehex~

Do you know this girl, in the picture on the top? xD That’s siaolang Lala or more occasionally, Angela Choo Shu Hua.

Now! Compare her name with Lala, Flower (Hua) and Chi Hua Hua, see? Great combinations righttt? I know, thank you (:

So, do you guys really know what’s a Lala? Basically, is a siput (clam), and the picture on the top shows whatever it is, a lala’s body -.-

Happy Family! Happy Clams, happy lala ^_^

Next, F.L.O.W.E.R is AWESOME! Isn’t flower nice? Especially the BOUGAINVILLAS? Thank you, I know it is.

Yeah, she’s nice and pretty and beautiful and attractive ß referring to sunflower xP

Many many types of Hua(s)

Lastly, introducing the very own masterpiece Lala here:

Lala: I hope you guys enjoyed reading about myself. Now, I hope you guys know what's about me, clearly enough already (: Meaning, I love curry (kuah) with c(lam)s ^_^

Teehee! Goodnight and all the best for the upcoming final exams :S See you guys in school.
Time: 1.40AM
Date: 8/10/2010
Day: Friday
Mood: Sleepy but couldn't sleep
Weather: Cold
Environment: Spooky
Written by: The famous and well-known Miss E-Laine, officially crowned Miss Universe (:
Motives: To advertise my blog :P Feel free to visit my lousy blog cus I wanna show you how lousy my blog is and the lousiest blog post in the world you have ever seen, and the lousy people like me. ^_^ xoxolowelainexoxo
Kthxbai goodnight! I <3> (:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Luck PMR'ers!

Hello again, today is a Sunday, and tomorrow is a Monday, but the day after that is Tuesday and it is special because it is the P.M.R Exam Day ! .

PMR stands for Penilaian Menengah Rendah in case you didnt know, and it is for the Form 3's!

So, Good Luck to all of you sitting there, and thank you for visiting this blog at this time even thought it is your exam week, and even if you're not in Form 6!

To the rest of you! Form 5's and Form 6's also! Good luck because your exam is very near! SPM and STPM is VERY IMPORTANT, but PMR is nearer and also very important, so make sure you all study!

Thank you, good luck, God bless, and happy studying!

thank you and goodbye


Friday, October 1, 2010


hello everyone, hope all of you have a nice day. since today is friday and tomorrow is saturday and follow by sunday then today can be said as an awesome day. why i use the word awesome? that is easy, this is simply because everyone in 6R4 is awesome just that there is one student who is awesome-st so 6R4 is getting awesome-r.

besides awesome, the end year exam is around the corner and we need to work harder to get good results. so everyone listen up, remember to STUDY more and FACEBOOK less!!! this is an order not suggestion.
i think that's about it.
this is the first time i update a blog so i hope u all like it.

thank you
and goodbye


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Helo Ladies and Gentlemen, well it seem nobody wanna update this blog look like i have to do it and well you don't need to know who i am or what i am just ignore it. Update: Well the student at the back of our class is being too easy and got nothing to do they being creative mind by trying to build small wonders of the wall. Picture will be coming soon when they finish with those project. Also congrat to Benedict for winning 3rd placing in the public speaking which was held in Paradise Sandy Beach Resort. Gratz again to Benedict you make the school proud of you. That all the update for now and not to forget Happy Birthday To Angela Choo may you have a blasted Birthday :D. Chow!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Merdeka....Merdeka....Merdeka....Merdeka....Merdeka....Merdeka....Merdeka.... to all 6R-4(2010) students...

Monday, August 30, 2010

IT's MERDEKA 2morow!!!!!woohoo!!!!

Hey yo people!!!!merdeka hour n 20 minutes left!!!!n d fireworks is off~~~~

Holidays coming soon

Hello peoples :) Holidays is coming soon i hope all of you use your time wisely to do homeworks or study but also have time to enjoy and play.I actually don't have anything to say because i was being force by Yeong Ae to update this blog >.<. Anyway i have sinister plan for our classmate and it be happening soon just wait for more update. Coming soon :D

Anyway if u guys have problem with certain issue pls consult these ppl :

Computer Advise : Firdaus or Daniel
Studies or religion advise : Benedict
Class Duty : Kirba
For those who are bored to death and need somebody to annoy you : Hui Poh, Elaine, Angela and Yeong Ae
i think that all add name to the department if needed :)

That all adios more update coming soon

Sunday, August 29, 2010

And here's something to cheer you all up on this particular Sunday~~

Sunday events~~

Wazzup ppl~~ Dun ask me why I use different color font, cause I just felt like it~~ xDD. Well, as everyone know, everyone will be enjoying their Sunday while we must remember our poem to remember. For the upcoming National Day celebration. Lol~~ 

There's an even going on right now at Penang Times Square. Which would be...

Youth Jam '10~!!
Well, I find it interesting, since we're all youths and this is suppose to be something that get us going. Like you know, join in the fun, go for the treasure hunt, dance our ass off and so on and on. Haha~

Well, I just simply update cause I was too bored. That's all for now. xDD

Saturday, August 28, 2010


To all 6R-4, thanks for what u have done to this class... I love u all...XD!!!Firdaus

Friday, August 27, 2010

Here's a video~~ Halfway through decorating the class after school~ LOL

The title says it all~ xDD

National Day decorations after school~~

Decorating our class with flags~~

Benedict's drawing~ Nice eh~~ xDD

Our door~~ xDD


Chong fighting with Hui Poh

E-Laine watching **** xPP

Ben singing and drawing

Angela cleaning the class~ xDD

Firdaus joins to watch~~ xDD

What's the shock Ben?!?!


Penang Bridge and if you look closer, you can see Chong trying to poke someone~~ xDD


Look at Yeong Ae~ xP

Ben again...xDD


"Get lost. Sheesh"

Enjoying songs I see...

Pity Ben~~ NOT

Hua Hua

Fist of Fury...MISSES 

Chong trying to steal the bag~~ xDD

After failing the last bag, he tried to steal another bag~~ xDD

And then we all went home~~~
But wait~~ we din't go home yet...after all that hard work...we needed some...ICE CREAM~!!! xDD

Well, that's all~~ xDD